Yeah, yeah, yeah. The coal shills of ‘Quadrant Online’ can work themselves up into a lather all they like about the deficiencies they see in modern education. (https://quadrant.org.au/opinion/education/2021/03/making-notes-as-the-rot-began/) But it reminds me of the story told by Eric Earlie, who took a job as a headmaster in Papua-New Guinea some years ago to further their life experience and his own as well. When he arrived at the village he had been posted to, he was met by the Headman. After greetings and formalities he enquired about the school, and was taken to an empty site. “This is where the school will be,” he was told. “Your first job will be to build it.” Being a very practical man, Eric soon got down to clearing the site, organising materials, and designing an then building the school; with all the kids and their parents joining in. A major part of the village’s income came from copra trading, but the local copra growers were sick of being ripped off by the local cartel of...