QUOTING the intellectual giants at Quadrant Online (and probably Quadrant
offline as well):
"… No matter how much you might resent it, you have to admit the
scaremongering has been absolutely first-class, judging by the results. Many of
us have been reduced to whimpering sadomasochists, grateful for the beatings
administered to our livelihoods, our relationships, our hopes and dreams, our
self-reliance and self-respect, and quick to spank those with a different
outlook on life.
"We’re in a Fifty Shades of Grey scenario, or perhaps a Tarantino
film: state premiers have us handcuffed to a chair and are repeatedly punching
us in the face with one hand, then applying a soothing balm with the other,
saying 'Look what you’ve made us do'.
"'Half the population are now imprisoned in their homes, not because of
the tiny number of Covid cases, but because of the brutal overreach by the
moronic authorities who can conceive of no other way of dealing with them
Here QuadOn quotes Oz journalist Steve Waterson. What Waterson
overlooks, perhaps understandably, is the fact that one can be covid-positive
but without showing symptoms, and thus be capable of spraying virus particles
like a perambulating fountain, infecting others wherever one goes.
In their eagerness to return to business-as-usual some right-wing
enthusiasts proceed through life fitted out with blinkers, like so many draught
horses. In some more extreme cases, this extends to thick black bags over their
heads as well.
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